THE benefits of healthy eating, exercise and massage were extolled at a community event in Oxford.

Wood Farm Community Centre’s first Community Health Day saw people from the estate given advice about issues including debt, diet and staying active into old age.

Yesterday’s all-day event was organised to provide people with an opportunity to describe the types of activities they would like to see running regularly on the estate.

Visitors were encouraged to try out a range of exercises, such as yoga, and were handed literature by representatives from Oxfordshire County Council’s trading standards department, the estate’s street wardens and Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs).

Maureen Robertson, Oxfordshire Primary Care Trust health trainer for Barton and Wood Farm, who organised the day, said: “It went pretty well. We had a steady flow of people earlier on.

“The head massages went down really well. We didn’t have that many interested in seated exercise but we had a couple of people interested in starting health walks.”

Ms Robertson estimated more than 30 people visited the Titup Hall Drive community centre during the event, and added the health day would now run once a month.

She said: “People thought it was a really good idea and enjoyed it. A lot of young mums came with their kids so that was good.

“I just feel there could be more services run for the community here. We want people to tell us what they want rather than have other people deciding for them.”

Christine McDermott, community food worker for the Healthy Living Partnership, said about 25 people entered a contest to guess the weight of a bowl of fruit and vegetables, with the winner taking home the bowl.

She said: “The game was a bit of a conversation starter about how to use vegetables differently.

“Today has been really positive. Events like this give people a chance to have a taster of what advice, support and help there is for them to make changes to their life.”

Age Concern Oxfordshire, the John Radcliffe Hospital’s injury minimisation programme for schools (Imps), Oxfordshire County Council Fire and Rescue Service and Oxfordshire Sports Partnership’s Go Active schemes were also represented at the event.