A COCKEREL has been stolen from a chicken pen and replaced by an injured fighting game cock.

The bird, which has injuries to its wings and feet, was discovered in a coop near Benson this morning.

The RSPCA said it had launched an investigation into the illegal bloodsport in Oxfordshire following the incident.

Anyone with information should contact police on 08458 505505 or the RSPCA on 0300 1234 999.

The owner of the pen, who asked not to be named, said it was the third time in four years an injured game cock had been left on her land.

But this time thieves also stole a cockerel from her pen.

She said: “They’ve got inside and taken a cockerel and replaced it with a fighting cock. It is a completely different type of bird, which is essentially bred for fighting.

“It’s a bit worrying that people are creeping around.

“They probably think I am going to water and feed it back to good health so they can return in a couple of months and get a healthy bird back. But I’m going to hand it over the RSPCA.

“It’s very nervous and scared and not aggressive at all as it seems to have been weakened by fighting.

“This has happened to me twice now and happened to other people in the area too.

“My cockerel is probably dead by now.”

It is believed the fighting cock was left in the pen in the early hours.

The bird has injuries to its wings, broken toes and its spurs had been cut off.

Cock-fighters remove a bird’s spurs and attach metal replacements to cause even more damage to opponents during a fight.
