DEAR John Tanner. I have read your opinions on the monarchy for many years now, and it’s the same old boring rote.

Please don’t think that, in principle, I don’t agree with you.

Yes, the monarchy is outmoded and a relic of bygone centuries, but it’s what suits the majority of the British people.

Do you honestly believe that the cost of a president would be less than the cost of the monarchy? Just look at the example of the USA or other EU countries that have a presidential system. Compare and contrast.

What republicans keep missing is the benefit that the monarchy has for international diplomatic relationships, exports and tourism.

How many British people make a beeline for The White House? And could they even name the residence of any European presidents?

But you can bet your bottom Euro that most visitors know where our Queen lives.

And please, don’t keep being so insulting as to call her Elizabeth Windsor, because until your tumbrills roll, she is still Elizabeth II, Queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

I have always been a monarchist, but I have another historical hero – Oliver Cromwell.

Admittedly, he was one of those who cut off a monarch’s head, but he merely wanted what we have now – a monarchy answerable to the people and a democracy.

The Queen has no political power, cannot cut off heads, banish to the Tower or to the colonies (if we had any left), or impose her will on the people.

Compare that to a recent US president who compelled the West into an unjust war, and was responsible for events at Guantanemo Bay and in Afganistan.

Please John, get off the soap box.

I suspect the only reason for your letter and article, is that we have not seen your happy, smiling face in the Oxford Mail for a couple of weeks, pointing at rubbish bins/potholes – or at some other crass photo call – and you are frightened that we might forget you.

Don’t worry... we won’t.

DAVID KYFFIN, Marston, Oxford