A paedophile from Grove jailed for attacks on children has lost an appeal against the length of his prison sentence.

Anthony Barron, of Collett Way, admitted a series of child sex offences and was convicted of rape and attempting to rape young children.

He was given a life sentence at Oxford Crown Court in August 2007 and ordered to serve a minimum of nine years in prison before being eligible for parole.

But Barron, who was 54 at the time of his trial, claimed the sentence was too long and asked the Court of Appeal to reduce the minimum term.

On Friday, in a hearing at the London court, Lord Justice Aikens, Mr Justice Tugendhat and Mr Justice Nicol ruled he had no chance of convincing any court that the minimum term was too long.

The court was told by the Crown Prosecution Service that Barron’s offending had been of the most vile kind.

He bribed children with toys and treats as he filmed the attacks and stored the footage at his home.

Barron will now serve at least nine years behind bars before becoming eligible to apply for release, but will only then be freed if he can convince experts he no longer poses a risk of harm to the public.