Sir – I would like to thank the Summertown traffic warden who on Saturday morning issued me with a parking ticket. He was right, I had parked there for 37 minutes.

Thank you Mr Traffic Warden, you have just saved me £499 which I was just about to spend on a table and chair set from a shop on the Banbury Road. It is now clear to me, I am a car driver and, therefore, Summertown retailers and the Oxford Council do not want “my type” or indeed need ‘my type’ shopping in their establishments.

I should have realised this last year when the number of parking spaces was substantially reduced with the new lovely wider pavements and increased bus stops. I am assuming this must have been a huge boost to the retail trade in Summertown.

As a car driver I am sorry for attempting to shop in Summertown and promise not to attempt it again. If I do I will use the bus or maybe a push bike.

John Bleakley, (North Oxford resident and car driver)