Sir – I agree with Graham Smith (Letters, March 5) that the cycle lane on Thames Street/Oxpens is unsatisfactory, but this does not entitle cyclists to ride on footpaths and pavements. Pedestrians have needs too.

The issue about the path by Castle Mill Stream is not the view from people’s houses, or the privatisation of a public path, as Mr Smith claims, but the safety of pedestrians.

Large numbers of people walk through this area, many of them with pushchairs and small children.

There have, in fact, been several near accidents: on the slope down from the main road, at the junctions between the paths from Trinity Street, and Dale Close and the path by the stream, and at the foot of the slope from the old gas works bridge.

The path by the stream should be a safe and pleasant route for pedestrians on their way to Grandpont from the busy city centre, or for those who simply wish to watch the ducks and swans on the stream.

Cyclists from South Oxford heading for the station area can easily use Friars Wharf and Trinity Street, and then walk the short distance through Oxpens or, if they wish, to use the path by the stream, they can dismount and walk.

Barbara Raw, Oxford