Police are appealing for witnesses after three burglaries in Didcot.

Between 10pm on Monday and 8.20am yesterday, two houses in Torridge Drive were broken into.

Thieves stole a laptop from both of the houses and from one they stole the car keys and the car, a black BMW M3, from the drive.

On the same night, a house in Washford Glen was also burgled and a handbag was stolen.

PC Emma Wright said: “I urge anyone who might have seen any suspicious activity, or has any information about these burglaries, to contact me.

“Most burglaries are carried out by opportunist thieves. In two out of ten burglaries, they don’t even have to use excess force; they manage to get in through an open door or window. If doors aren’t locked properly, especially UPVC doors, the thieves can use an implement through the letterbox to open the door.

“Reduce the risk of your home being burgled by making sure you take some simple and inexpensive precautions. Take action now and don’t become a victim of burglary over the coming days.”