SOCIALISTS gathered in Oxford’s Cornmarket Street tonight to mark the 360th anniversary of the execution of Charles I.

About 50 people, some waving Communist Party flags, others representing Oxford and District Trades Union Council, attended.

Speakers included former Lord Mayor of Oxford John Tanner, Merton College professor David Norbrook, and trade union activist Bill McKeith.

All called for the abolition of the monarchy.

Prof Norbrook said the period of history which followed the death of Charles I in 1649 should not be forgotten. He said: “It was a remarkable moment in history, the culmination of a whole process of debate, a victory for common good over private interest.”

Mr McKeith added: “The powers of the monarchy are considerable, but they are carried out on the monarchy’s behalf by the Prime Minister, which doesn’t make them any more democratic.”

Spectator Robert Crane, 67, from Rose Hill, said: “I came along to hear different views.”