A 21-YEAR-OLD man who threatened police with a knife then climbed on top of an Oxford house and hurled tiles at people below just a day after he had been released from prison is back behind bars.

Homeless Leonard Trinder will spend two years and three months in jail after he was found guilty of possession of a knife at Oxford Crown Court. He had admitted a charge of affray.

Pc Lewis Boyce, of the East Oxford neighbourhood team, said Trinder was aggressive towards police community support officers (Pcsos) in Magdalen Road on October 14 last year, before running away.

The court heard he then threatened two other officers with a knife.

He then climbed on to the roof of a house in Leopold Street and threw roof tiles to the ground, causing thousands of pounds of damage to the house and five cars, Pc Boyce added.

He said: “Trinder eventually fell from the roof while trying to throw a chimney stack at police officers.

“He was arrested and charged following a short stay in hospital.

“The incident caused a great deal of frustration and fear for local residents. Trinder’s sentence will hopefully reassure those members of the community that, should persons behave in an antisocial or aggressive manner, the police and the courts will strive to place such persons in prison.”

Trinder was sentenced after a trial at Oxford Crown Court on March 4.