GIVEN that Oxford has always been the home of hopeless and lost causes, I suppose it was inevitable that we would have a republican rally to mark the anniversary of the regicide of King Charles.

Given John Tanner’s relentless thirst for self-promotion, I suppose it was equally inevitable he would lead the rally, ably assisted by a trendy academic and a trade unionist from the old left.

I oppose them in their views as, I know, does a majority of this country and, dare I predict, even a majority of Oxford citizens themselves.

I suspect John Tanner had his tongue firmly in his cheek when he fired off this salvo, so I will respond in kind by saying that I am morally and ethically opposed to capital punishment but I do think a long term in a small cell would be most appropriate for republicans as well as hunt saboteurs.

We have some empty ones in Oxford Castle!

KEITH MITCHELL, Leader of Oxfordshire County Council, County Hall, Oxford