I WRITE in an endeavour to highlight the danger that anti-freeze, rat poison and suchlike are to cats and wildlife.

A neighbour’s cat met an untimely end last week. He went indoors shortly after being let out. His legs wouldn’t support him, his eyes were glazed and he was unable to lift his head. He was in agony.

His distraught owner took him to the vet within 20 minutes and the diagnosis was that he’d been poisoned, probably by anti-freeze or rat poison.

The cat was practically taking his last breaths, and there was nothing the vet could do except put him to sleep.

I sincerely hope that Oliver’s demise was the result of a careless accident and not deliberate.

Please, please if you need to use anti-freeze or rat poison, can you be careful.

We must all have regard for the safety of people’s much-loved pets and our precious wildlife.

Please lock these poisons away in sheds, away from animals’ reach.

VAL PIETERSEN, Marston Road, Oxford