There is much to be learnt at school. Knowledge is, of course, discovered in familiar classroom surrounds, but a significant additional amount, some might say another half of your education, is to be gained from lessons outside the four walls.

This 'other half' is vitally important in building confidence, interest, skills and responsibility. On occasions the achievements of the pupils in their chosen activities can reach an astonishing excellence.

We have, for example, recently seen our boys appearing in the West End and national television drama, others take their places in local and even premiership football squads, another has been proclaimed the number one fencer in southern England.

While these may grab some headlines it is the everyday opportunities for all that occupy even more of our time.

All pupils welcome the chance to develop interests in a wide range of activities and it is clear that enjoyment does not only come through excellence.

Many of our boys take an activity that they began with us, way beyond the prep school environment.

We have a huge range of activities that interest young minds and a wealth of encouragement to get children involved.

The fun comes in spending time with friends and teachers outside the classroom. The school timetable leaves ample time, every day, to participate in clubs and activities. These include eco team, chess, gardening, fencing, ICT, art and numerous extra-curricular sports including fencing, judo, sailing, golf and rifle shooting.

There are two choirs, a chamber orchestra, jazz band and string and brass groups and we hold concerts throughout the year. These range from informal recitals, held once a month after school, to our two flag-ship concerts in the summer and autumn terms in the Amey Theatre at Abingdon.

The performing arts play an important part in school life and our most recent joint schools production of Carrots, with a cast of 120 actors and musicians, played out in the Amey Theatre.

Other productions by the pre-prep, the middle and upper schools give further opportunities to young actors.

Additionally, the boys have the opportunity to give something back. All year groups are involved in raising money for charity and each idea, whether a cake sale or climbing Snowdon is encouraged and applauded.

Every year, the boys vote for the charity the school is to support and to date they have raised over £7,000.

Outside school boundaries, the boys have opportunities to supplement the academic curriculum and to broaden horizons.

Residential trips take place every year with our older boys spending a week in Normandy, activity and team building weekends, ski trips and sporting tours.

All subjects are encouraged to enhance topics through trips, exhibitions or productions.

These range from Chedworth Roman Villa, Warwick Castle and Sulgrave Manor, to the Houses of Parliament, the Living Rainforest, theatres, the Tate and HMS Victory.

Visitors to the school talk to us on a vast range of topics from the Second World War to managing water in Africa.

The opportunities to enthuse and inspire young minds are endless.