Last-minute bargaining with suppliers. Overseeing student focus groups. Wrestling with VAT. Familiar issues to those employed in business, less so for a sixth former still studying for his A-Levels . . .

All, however, were challenges overcome by 18-year-old George Meagher, a student at d'Overbroeck's Sixth Form in Oxford - who was, at the same time, studying for three A-Levels.

An outstanding sportsman, George is also a keen entrepreneur, with ambitions to study international business at university.

Driven by a desire to introduce Fairtrade cola to the college, George drew on skills honed in A-Level Business Studies - and prepared a business proposal.

Convinced by the proposal, college principal Sami Cohen offered his support for the scheme.

George's negotiation techniques were put to the test when suppliers revealed a unit price higher than his budget had allowed; but he was able to propose changes to the delivery method and reach a mutually acceptable compromise.

"It is great to see my idea come to fruition, " said George. "And I really appreciated the college trusting me to achieve this on my own."

George is not alone in his enterprising spirit. Another example is the environmental group run by students, including the college's two Environmental Awareness Scholars.

This year, the group has organised a series of fundraising events, including a concert, as well as establishing a weekly e-mail bulletin offering environmental tips to students and staff alike. It is also forging links with local schools and identifying areas of potential collaboration.

Principal Sami Cohen welcomes the wealth of enterprising ideas among the student body: "This is very much what sixth form education is about - learning to take the initiative and stand up for your beliefs." Sixth formers also gain experience of teamwork and consensus-building - and learn about the practical challenges associated with any enterprising scheme.

Mr Cohen said: "We hope above all that students will leave the sixth form not just with an excellent academic education, but also as mature, rounded, confident people -ready to grasp with both hands the opportunities of university and career."

A recent installment of the college's speaker programme focused on emotional intelligence (or EI), increasingly valued as a supplement to raw intelligence or IQ.

Speaker Simon Williams (managing director of Tangent Te am Development) led a series of activities and discussions to help students identify their own approaches to interacting with others - and learn how to communicate more effectively with others.

How do such skills combine with the college's focus on academic learning?

Head of business studies, Andrew Gillespie, said: "We know that universities and employers look for skills in areas such as teamwork, communication and leadership to supplement academic qualifications. The curriculum at d'Overbroeck's seeks to bind the two."

Emblematic of this approach is d'Overbroeck's introduction of the new A-Level Baccalaureate.

Designed by exam board AQA to build on A-Level studies, the qualification develops real-world skills of self-management, planning, research and presentation.

Among other activities, students complete an extended project, as well as receiving credit for extra-curricular commitments and achievements.

The final qualification stands as evidence of students' ability to excel beyond the purely academic- and is valued as such by top universities and employers alike.

Whether through the AQA Baccalaureate or simply by supporting schemes such as those of George and the environmental group, d'Overbroeck's College constantly seeks to encourage, recognise and reward the dynamism of its students.

And, as Mr Cohen observes: "The more students see their peers take a lead, the more they are inspired to do likewise.

"This is the sixth form environment we strive to create: one in which achievements -be they academic or sporting, artistic or entrepreneurial - are encouraged and celebrated."

d'Overbroeck's College, Oxford OX2 6JX. Tel: 01865 888928