Chandlings offers so many exciting extra curricular activities, it is sometimes hard for the children to decide which to choose!

In fact this term there are 28 different activities to choose from, not including individual music tuition in ten different instruments.

Some of these activities are run by specialist teachers, who come to Chandlings bringing their own equipment, be it judo mats, ballet music and even horses!

In addition, more than 20 other activities are offered by Chandlings' own staff, who are highly-qualified and experienced enthusiasts in their own fields of sport, music, art, drama and languages.

Some of the activities are incorporated into the school day, so sights of children riding ponies through the beautiful sixty acre grounds, or throwing each other around on judo mats or practising their ballet movements are quite usual.

Many of these activities offer nationally recognised levels which the children enjoy achieving, and Chandlings has just started a golf scheme accredited by the European Golf Te achers Federation, allowing progression through the school.

Children choosing to do judo, ballet, riding, football, swimming and golf at school gives parents more precious time to spend with their children at evenings and weekends.

Clubs are a good opportunity for staff to share their enthusiasm for a particular hobby or skill with the children, and these change each term.

This term chess, card making, drawing, paper art, model making, maths games, board games, cross stitch, knitting, drama and touch typing are among activities on offer.

Ye ar 4 children also take a first aid course for half a term, something which the school believes is an essential life skill.

Pre-prep and prep choirs, orchestra, brass ensemble, recorders and drama activities are also hugely important in the extra activities curriculum, and these are highlighted throughout the school year in assemblies, productions and individual music awards.

At Chandlings children are presented with opportunities to develop new interests and skills, and encourage them to celebrate their success and share their achievements with the whole school.

The school believes that activities build confidence and contribute to a child's personal development, and are an essential part of the broad education we offer. But above all, they are fun!

To find out more about activities, clubs, outings and visits at Chandlings, please visit our website: www. chandlings. org. uk To arrange a visit to the school call the registrar, Anna Poole on 01865 730771, or e-mail