MANY people get a lot of pleasure out of the monarchy. But that doesn’t make it right.

What dafter way to choose your head of state than by heredity? It is like deciding the Lord Mayor of Oxford on the basis that their mum, dad, or grandparent were mayors before them.

Elizabeth Windsor is a lovely old lady who is deeply committed to this country. But should an unelected aristocrat really have the right to decide who forms the next British Government and be so subsidised by the taxpayer?

We should celebrate this 360th anniversary of the first time Parliament abolished the monarchy, on March 17, 1649.

Let’s have the courage to elect a president like most nations do, and consign kings and queens to fairy stories. The old tribal nonsense of a queen and extended family presiding over our great democracy has had its day.

Let’s use those royal millions to invest in education, build a green economy and tackle poverty instead.

People could still enjoy the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace with a president to wave to the crowds. But a president can be voted out of office.

JOHN TANNER, Oxford City Councillor, Sunningwell Road, OXFORD