A COMMUNITY is campaigning to slash the speed of motorists on one of Oxford’s busiest and most congested roads.

Families in West Oxford have banded together to lobby Oxfordshire County Council to reduce the speed limit on Botley Road from 30mph to 20mph.

They believe a 20mph limit would improve their safety and quality of life by increasing the number of cyclists and cutting the number of cars.

Residents have handed a 90-signature petition to County Hall as part of the consultation on plans to reduce the limit to 20mph on Oxford’s residential roads.

Busy main roads, like Woodstock Road, Banbury Road and Botley Road, are not currently included.

Lois Muddiman, 43, a mother-of-two from Harley Road, West Oxford, said: “The Botley Road cuts right through the middle of our community and lots of people have to cross it to go to the school, the shops and the community centre.

“If the speed limit is changed, many more people will feel they are able to cycle on the road, which will also reduce traffic.

“People need to understand there is a community here and we have a right to feel safe.”

In 2005, about 2,000 people signed a petition to improve cycle safety on Botley Road, including the accident blackspot under the railway bridge by the station.

Mrs Muddiman is among a number of parents who will not let their children cycle on the road to Matthew Arnold School in Cumnor as they feel it is too dangerous.

Fran Melvin, 45, a mother-of-two from Barrett Street, said: “The council is doing a very bold thing and they need to be applauded for that.

“But we’d feel much safer if the Botley Road was made a 20mph zone as well.

“A lot of people are saying you can’t go that fast on the Botley Road anyway, but when it’s quieter people can and do go quite a lot faster than that.”

Figures show there were 11 road traffic accidents involving cyclists and six involving pedestrians on Botley Road in the past two years. The council has proposed introducing a 25-metre 20mph stretch between Abbey Road and Becket Street.

However, campaigners said they want the whole road covered.

They also want a 20mph limit in Binsey Lane, which is currently has a 60mph limit.

Jericho and Osney city councillor Susanna Pressel said: “It will be confusing for drivers to go from 20mph to 30mph and back to 20mph all the time.”

“The county council claim they want to do this for road safety reasons so its extremely important to do it on busy roads like the Botley Road.

“Many are deterred from cycling by the heavy traffic on the arterial roads, which also makes walking unpleasant.”

County Hall’s public consultation on the scheme ended on March 5.

However, it is still collecting views at city council area committees around the city until Wednesday.

County councillor Ian Hudspeth, cabinet member for transport, said he could not comment on any comments on the scheme until consultation had ended.
