I THINK that Derek Honey’s increased frustration about the smoking ban in pubs – though understandable – is affecting his usually good grasp of factual argument.

In his letter to the Oxford Mail (February 6), he states “standing outside increases your risk of catching flu’’.

There would be less risk, I’d say, due to the lack of proximity to the bug carriers.

Many pubs were going out of business long before the smoking ban and will continue to close if smoking is re-introduced.

Leasehold pubs, as part of a larger business that itself doesn’t concentrate solely on pubs, are always a poor risk. It’s a fact that the only person to make real money out of a business is the owner.

Many leasehold pubs do little to attract customers away from cheap outlets like supermarkets.

Basics like well trained staff with welcoming personality, exceptional beer quality – including guest beers, and clean comfortable surroundings, are frequently missing.

Many pubs welcome you with indifference, and an increased reliance on poorly-paid untrained staff.

We need a reason to be in a pub, especially at the weekends, and it is still being met by some – though fewer – pubs, with a variety of music, and good quality food, washed down with very good quality beer.

MICK HEAVEY, Oxford Road, Old Marston, Oxford