COMMUNITY groups and councils in Oxfordshire have been given more time to bid for a £1m pot of cash to pay for new play areas and to refurbish run-down ones.

Oxfordshire County Council plans to pay out the money to fund 22 play schemes over the next two years as part of the Government’s £235m Playbuilder scheme.

However, after receiving just two applications to date, the authority has agreed to extend the deadline so that more than a dozen other groups have time to submit plans.

Among those looking to bid for the cash is Cumnor Parish Council, which wants to spruce up the playground in Pinnocks Way and a recreation area in Dean Court.

The playground currently has a broken see-saw and two rusting climbing frames, but community leaders believe a revamp would improve the lives of children living on the estate.

Parish and district councillor Judy Roberts said: "We are really pleased to have this opportunity to apply for these funds at a time when money is so tight.

“I think we have a really deserving case but I know from my work as a district councillor there are many of those in the Oxfordshire area.

“The community are very enthusiastic and we will be thrilled if our application is successful.”

Mandy Champ, a mother-of-seven from Pinnocks Way, said: “Not a lot of people use the park now because of the state of the equipment. We’d be thrilled if we could get some of the money.”

Playbuilder grants are available to any group wanting to improve play spaces for children aged from eight to 13.

The county council is looking to fund three £70,000 schemes, eleven £50,000 projects and eight £30,000 projects.

The authority had originally asked for all bids to be lodged by yesterday.

However, to date, only Horspath and Aston and Cote parish council, near Bampton, have submitted plans.

Now groups have until next Monday to hand in applications.

Council Playbuilder development officer Howie Watkins said: "We are pleased to have been able to extend the deadline as this gives communities more time to gather their ideas and submit a strong application.

“We have been working with twenty parish councils and groups and expect a flurry of applications over the next week. There is still time before the deadline and we would urge parish councils and other community groups to get in touch with us and submit their proposals.”

The winning schemes are expected to be announced by the end of April.