An X-Factor-style poetry event helped pupils at a Woodstock school gain confidence performing in front of fellow classmates.

Yesterday, 166 Year Eight pupils at the Marlborough School read out their favourite poems from a selection they had been studying both at home and in lessons at school.

Pictured are, clockwise from front, Andrew Odley, teacher Kim Mathiesen, Cameron Wishart, Martha Osman, Alice Robins and Melissa Whitty.

It was the third X-Factor-style poetry event held at the school, in Shipton Road.

Each form group had 15 minutes to recite their poems.

The school’s head of English, Jeff Pelling, said: “The event makes poetry more accessible to students. It promotes positive team work.

“Everyone put a lot of hard work in, both at home and at school. The students took it very seriously and showed a healthy competitive interest.”