WOMEN and children from an Oxford estate have been taking part in colourful events as part of the city’s annual International Women’s Festival.

Two events were held on Thursday at Rose Hill Primary School and at Rose Hill and Littlemore Children’s Centre.

Throughout the day, about 300 people took part in the Phenomenal Women event at the children’s centre, which brought together Oxford women from different cultures and backgrounds.

Dawn Harrower, who organised the event with Jane Creese, said: “It was absolutely brilliant. It was jam-packed and we had a really good day.”

Food from around the world was served and a whole host of activities took place, including hand painting, nail painting, a fashion show and a photographic display.

Ms Harrower said: “It was just fantastic, we had African people, Polish people, Asian people, it was just a really good event and brilliant for the community.”

At Rose Hill Primary School, pupils got the chance to meet a group of visitors from Oxford’s Nicaraguan twin town, Leon, who have been taking part in the fortnight of events.

Gigantonas – giant puppets – which were specially made for the opening parade of the festival, were shown to the children, along with some giant midget dolls outfits.

Some of the pupils got the chance to try on the costumes.

Dozens of events have been held throughout the city as part of the festival, which finishes tomorrow.

For details of the closing events, see www.oxfordwomen.co.uk, or go to the listings on Page 29.
