A lorry driver who hid up to £600,000 of drugs in his truck was jailed for three years today.

Gerard Mooney was caught by police officers on the M40 in Oxfordshire after buying 5kg of amphetamine and 2kg of cannabis in France.

The married 47-year-old said he had been given the drugs by a man near Lille in order to pay off his debts.

He then brought them back to the UK in 30 packages hidden in the back of his lorry.

Mark Aldred, prosecuting, said: “The defendant was working as a lorry driver. He travelled from Ireland through to France and Belgium.

“On October 23 last year at about 4am, officers stopped the defendant’s HGV on the hard shoulder of the M40.”

He said the drugs had a wholesale value of about £67,000 and a street value of up to £600,000.

Mooney, of Headford, in Galway, Ireland, admitted possessing class B and C drugs with intent to supply.

Gordon Ross, defending, said: “He was in debt and for that reason he allowed himself to be swayed to bring these items into the country.”

Jailing him for three years, Judge Terence Maher said: “The basis of your plea is that you were told the items to be taken over were Viagra and tobacco.

“But you were aware that probably what you were dealing with were prohibited drugs. You were an essential link in the chain.

“Those who are caught in this wretched game play for high stakes and forfeits are made when you come to court.”