A LANDLORD hit by the recession and smoking ban has described his fruitless search for someone to take over his pub.

Ben Scholes has been advertising for a new landlord to take his place at the Magdalen Arms in Iffley Road, East Oxford, for six months.

The 34-year-old said his trade had been dwindling for the past 12 months.

And he is looking for someone with fresh ideas to take over the remaining 15 years of his lease.

Mr Scholes, who has been in charge of the Magdalen Arms for five years, said: “The pub has gone quite well, but the rewards aren’t massive any more — and the hours are.

“There has been a very slow decline for the last year but it’s only been the last six months when it’s got quite tight.

“The smoking ban has definitely affected trade.

“The ban itself would have been workable but the fact it came at the same time as the recession and when supermarkets are selling beer at a loss has made it pretty near impossible for us.”

Mr Scholes, who plans to leave the industry he has worked in for 16 years for a change of lifestyle, has now put up a “for lease” sign on the front of the Scottish & Newcastle pub’s Victorian facade in a bid to attract a new landlord.

He insisted his business was still profitable and said he remained confident someone would step forward to run the venue.

Mr Scholes said: “I know it isn’t the ideal time to try and sell, but there is a lot of development going on around us.

It is a large pub with a large customer base so it is going to appeal to someone.

“There is still a lot of potential here.It is just finding the person that is willing to go through the tough times and who maybe has some new ideas.”

On Monday, the Oxford Mail revealed Oxfordshire pubs were shutting down at the rate of one every 25 days.

Matt Bullock, chairman of the Oxford branch of the Campaign for Real Ale, said: “It doesn’t surprise me that people are trying to get out of the business, especially in a suburban pub.

“There is not a lot of money to be made at the moment — people are staying at home and doing other things.

“It is good to hear it is profitable.

There are not a lot of pubs that could say that at the moment, so there is every chance he could get someone.”
