FORMER Cowley car worker Tony Baker still has plenty of drive — he’s competing in this year’s OX5 Run at the ripe old age of 73.

Mr Baker, from Garsington, Oxford, completed the five-mile run around the grounds of Blenheim Palace in Woodstock last year and enjoyed it so much he has signed up to run again.

More than 250 people have put their names down for the Oxford Mail OX5 Run on Sunday, April 19, which raises funds for the Oxford Children’s Hospital.

The former production engineer, who worked at the Cowley plant for 45 years, is the oldest person so far to enter this year’s race.

He said: “I’ve done a fair bit of running in my time and I used to be a member of Abingdon Amblers running club.

“I managed to complete the run last year but, at my age, running up those hills around the palace doesn’t get any easier.

“I also play golf most mornings at Hinksey Heights golf course in Oxford and that's good training because there are quite a few hills there.

“I'm a member of Thames Valley Orienteering Club as well, which is what got me into running in the first place.

“We visit various locations in the Oxfordshire countryside or the New Forest and do four miles of cross-country running with a map. There are guys over 80 still doing it.”

The father-of-two, from Elm Drive, who is also a grand-father, said he played rugby until he was 45 and has always tried to stay fit.

“I like taking part in the OX5 Run because I can still manage to get round and it’s for a very good cause," Mr Baker added.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if there were a few people older than me in the race — if you’re lucky enough to stay clear of injuries, then it’s definitely do-able.”

Sarah Vaccari, a spokesman for Oxford Children’s Hospital, which opened at the John Radcliffe site in 2007, said: “Tony has shown there are no barriers to taking part.

“I hope others will be now be encouraged to get their trainers on and join in. We would love it if we could get 1,000 people to take part.”

The OX5 Run, now in its seventh year, is one of the hospital’s biggest fundraising events and in the past has raised £50,000 per race for the Oxford Children’s Hospital Campaign.

This year, money raised will help fund new equipment at the £30m facility, which was built with the help of £14m raised by a community campaign.

Entry for the run costs £10 per person, with each runner asked to raise at least £100 in sponsorship.

This year’s main sponsors are Allen Associates and Motorworld and they are urging as many businesses as possible to enter.