Three people were injured in a disturbance at Campsfield House Detention Centre, in Kidlington, involving 45 detainees, it has emerged.

Thames Valley Police said three men were taken to the John Radcliffe Hospital, in Oxford, following the incident at about 2pm yesterday.

A police spokesman said two were discharged yesterday and one remained in hospital with a minor head injury.

It is not yet known if the people who were injured were detainees or staff.

Investigating officer Det Insp Steve Duffy said: “Staff at the centre diffused the situation and contacted police.

“An investigation has now been launched into the circumstances surrounding the disturbance.”

Home office spokesman Robert Hall said today: "We can confirm there was a minor incident at Campsfield House yesterday, which is now calm.

“The incident is over and has been resolved.”

There were a series of disturbances at the centre two years ago, including two riots and a breakout involving 26 detainees.