A CYCLIST who knocked down a child said it was “unfair” that he had become the first person in living memory to have been prosecuted for a careless cycling offence in Oxford.

Daniel Rosier was cycling at about 15mph when he hit the youngster at traffic lights outside Tesco, in Cowley Road, Oxford.

His 13-year-old victim, who cannot be named, suffered scrapes and bruises after being knocked to the ground.

Tonight, Rosier admitted one charge of careless cycling at Oxford Magistrates’ Court.

He received a 12-month conditional discharge and was ordered to pay £60 costs and £75 compensation.

Cycling group Cyclox backed the police and prosecutors for taking him to court.

Cariad Eveson-Webb, prosecuting, said Rosier was cycling near the Bullingdon Road junction when he struck the teenager at 4pm on September 5 last year.

She said: “There was a stationary vehicle in front of him which had stopped because the lights were red.

“He overtook the stationary vehicle, and as he came back to the kerbside there was a pedestrian.

“He was crossing the road and Mr Rosier struck him and knocked him to the floor.”

Rosier, who has been cycling for 15 years, took the youngster to The Bullingdon pub and comforted him until his father arrived.

The 25-year-old coffee shop worker, of Crescent Road, Cowley, admitted cycling too fast and told police he did not see the child before hitting him.

Kate Macnab, defending, said it was unusual for such a case to reach court.

She said: “That is partly because not many cyclists who are involved in scrapes and bangs with pedestrians stop to take responsibility.

“He is very sorry for what has happened.”

She added the lights were flashing amber when the accident happened and said the victim was next to the crossing rather than on it.

Speaking outside court, Rosier said Cowley Road was dangerous for cyclists and insisted there had not been enough room to undertake the car because of cycle racks next to the road.

He said: “My problem was that I stopped and helped.

“If I had carried on, nothing would have happened.

“I am quite upset about the whole thing.

“I have a criminal record now. If I have to apply for a job I would have to declare it. I think it is very unfair.

“Never take anything for granted cycling down Cowley Road. Cars don’t keep within the 20mph speed limit. It is really scary being a cyclist.

“I felt awful when I hit him. I am pleased with the outcome today – but why was this taken to court in the first place?”

James Styring, chairman of cycling campaign group Cyclox, welcomed the prosecution.

He said it was the first such case he had known to reach court in Oxford.

He said: “Any cyclist who runs over a pedestrian on a pedestrian crossing is an idiot and definitely deserves prosecuting.

“He deserves no sympathy whatsoever.”

Police were unable to say last night whether it was the county’s first court prosecution for careless cycling.

Supt Mick Doyle said: “Cyclists are often vulnerable but they are also capable of causing harm to others.

“This case has shown the importance of cycling safely and the need to obey the rules of the road.”
