TWENTY inspirational pupils will be in a class of their own when they join Oxford’s Race for Life this summer.

The group of eight 11-year-old girls, from St Joseph’s Primary School in Headington, Oxford, calls itself St Jo’s Joggers.

They are the first set of schoolchildren in the region to take part in the annual, women-only, 5km event, which raises cash for research into cancer here in the county.

Year Three teacher Louise Robbins, 43, who came up with the idea for the pupils’ team, said: “I took part in Race for Life last year and loved the experience.

“I also noticed lots of young girls taking part with relatives and thought I would put it to the girls at schools to see whether they would like to take part. The response was great from both the girls and their parents.

“Some who have already signed up have done it before, others haven’t, but all are excited about the prospect of taking part with their school friends.”

Last year, 8,342 women took part in Oxfordshire’s Race for Life events, raising £528,552 in sponsorship.

All the money goes to fund new treatments at the Cancer Research UK Clinical Centre at the Churchill and John Radcliffe hospitals in Oxford.

This summer, as well as two events at Oxford’s University Parks – on Saturday, June 6, and Sunday, June 7 – the charity is moving its July event to Cornbury Park, near Charlbury.

The Charlbury Race for Life, which will take place on Sunday, July 26, will double the length of the course from 5km to 10km.

Becky Ryczowski, Race for Life area event manager for Oxfordshire, said: “I am absolutely thrilled that St Joseph’s Primary School is supporting us this year by taking part in Oxford’s Race for Life.

“Although the event is often supported by local schools, it is not often we see a school group actually taking part. This is the first I am aware of in this region.

“The effort the girls are putting into training for the event sets a real precedent to others out there.

“I think it’s fantastic these girls are putting what they learn into practice by taking part this year.

“They are raising money for a fantastic cause, and I can imagine they will be an absolute inspiration to others on the day. I can’t wait to see them all cross that finish line.”

Ms Robbins said: “The girls are in training each Tuesday night after school.

“We are hoping to start the race as a group with the girls then choosing whether they prefer to walk, jog or run the race all the way around.

“We also hope to raise a good amount of money in sponsorship between us, and I’m sure there will be lots of friends and family to cheer us on our way.”

For details of how to enter Race for Life, visit or call 0871 6412282.

The Oxford Mail wants to hear from women taking part. Call Debbie Waite on 01865 425428 or email