CHURCH-GOERS have been helping starving villagers in Zimbabwe by sending a pallet of food every month.

The congregation at Orchard Baptist Fellowship, which meets at Cooper School, off Churchill Road, Bicester, were moved to help farmers in the impoversished African country after hearing of their plight from church worker Sean Mullens, who works in Zimbabwe for the River of Life Church.

Mr Mullens told the Bicester baptists that the villagers were forced to flee their homes after government militia razed the village to the ground, destroying crops, and leaving people hungry.

The Orchard Baptist Fellowship’s 150-strong congregation has sent £6,000 worth of food to Baradzamwa, in Chiweshe, since last August.

Rebecca Mitchell-Farmer, church spokesman, said: “We have continued to send regular food pallets at least one a month – and have committed as a church to continue to do this for the near future.

“In addition to the food pallets, Orchard Baptist Fellowship also sent Christmas presents out.

“The cost of doing this is around £500 per month.”

To get involved in the aid supply, call Jon Young on 07770 828024, or go to