The inaugural Oxford Times Wine Club Dinner took place last Thursday and what a success it was. I was — if I am honest — a little worried the day before.

The event was a sell-out, I knew that Sophia from Quinta de la Rosa would make an excellent speaker, and the wines are brilliantly good . . . but no matter how well organised you are, you cannot help but worry.

As it turned out, I could have saved myself a grey hair or two. The white port and tonic reception got the whole evening swinging along nicely and it was great to see so many people enthusing over a somewhat forgotten drink.

We had made it with one part port to two parts tonic which worked a treat. Sophia later confessed to sometimes using a bit more tonic so that she can have more than one glass.

The only real blip on the night was a somewhat spicier than expected soup to start.

It was a pity because the Val de Clara white and rosé wines that we had selected to go with it were a little overwhelmed.

No matter; the smart cookies at my end of the table gobbled up the soup, cleansed their palates with a bit of bread and then took the wines on separately.

At my end of the table the rosé (made from Port grapes) was a real hit.

We all loved the dry, summer berry fruits and the fact that it had really good structure. Definitely a pink for food.

The pork main course was served with two, very different red wines.

The first was the douRosa and the other the significantly weightier Douro Tinto Reserve.

The two wines certainly caused a fair amount of debate.

Both were full-bodied with ripe, dark fruits but the Reserve was significantly more intense; a wine that Sophia described as ‘boisterous’.

There is no questioning its quality but a little longer in bottle will undoubtedly soften its impressive intensity.

We finished up with two ports and took the opportunity to sample them with both cheese and chocolate.

I am obviously more old-fashioned than I like to think because I certainly preferred that combination of blue cheese with the sumptuous Vintage Port.

And, whilst I have often been sceptical about port and chocolate I genuinely found that the Finest Reserve and the mousse worked not badly at all.

It was great to have such an interesting group of people come along and my only regret is that we only had one raffle prize to give away.

As it was, only one couple could have the night’s stay, dinner, tasting and tour at Quinta de la Rosa and so enthused were the winners by the wines that it was a delight to see them win.

All in all, it was a really good night. We all learnt a little, enjoyed good food and brilliant wines and — perhaps most importantly of all — succeeded in emulating a little bit of Quinta de la Rosa’s fabulous history for parties and entertainment.

Cannot wait for the next one!

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