So Bertram Wooster was right about something — and I am not just referring to the titbits of blblical information that earned him the religious knowledge prize from the hands of the Rev Aubrey Upjohn M.A. at Malvern House Preparatory School.

No, I mean Bertie’s certainty that fish is good for the brain — a theory regularly advanced by him in respect of Jeeves’s impressive intellectual attainments, not least his appetite for Spinoza.

This week the Daily Telegraph reported: “Giving teenage boys a fish dinner at least once a week boosts their intelligence, a study indicated “ Researchers from the University of Gothenburg in Sweden found that 15-year-olds who ate fish once a week performed six per cent better in intelligence tests at age 18. Those who ate fish more than once a week improved their score by almost 11 per cent.”

I eat fish most days. Can’t you tell?