Sir – The county council’s proposals for moving the bus stops from Queen Street are strange and user-hostile.

Service 15, to Wood Farm, which currently does not use Queen Street, in future will. The routes to Headington are the only ones which get a convenient new stop near the Baptist Church. The stop for Botley is moved half-way down New Road.

The two services to Rose Hill will both depart from Castle Street, but on opposite sides of the road. So we can have fun waiting for a 4, and then dashing across the road if a 3 comes first. Service 5 to Blackbird Leys, but not service 1, will also depart from Castle Street.

The county could do much better if only Ian Hudspeth would consider, as I have suggested before in your columns, allowing buses (but not bus stops) in Cornmarket again, one way from Boswells to Carfax. That would allow groups of convenient bus stops on a one-way clockwise bus loop including Castle Street and George Street.

Nicholas Lawrence Oxford