Sir – The Greens have rejected the medical model of disability, where an individual’s impairment is considered. They would rely entirely on the social model of disability, where the aim is to remove society’s barriers to disabled people.

However, there’s a growing awareness in the disability community that both the medical and social models are relevant when considering inclusion for disabled people. Some disabilities are difficult or impossible to deal with just using the social model.

For instance, it isn’t possible to treat severe pain by “removing barriers”. No matter what people’s attitudes are, no matter what social support or disability aids are available, pain remains pain.

Modern treatments, many derived from animal research, can help reduce pain, improving the qualilty of life for many disabled people.

The social model complements the medical model. It doesn’t replace it. If the Greens have this attitude to the medical model of disability, can we really trust them on animal research?

Kevin Elliott Oxford