Sir – Over the last few weeks there have been a number of articles about proposals for a flood defence scheme to protect Oxford.

One concern in Kidlington, Gosford and Water Eaton is that the Environment Agency is concentrating on the Oxford area and our future flood problems may be overlooked.

The parish councils have therefore carried out their own flood study to compare the Easter ‘98 flooding against the 2007 Oxford floods. The results show that there is a need for a considerable amount of local work to be done.

In January, a national drainage conference discussed the draft flood and water bill, which is soon being presented to Parliament. The outcome arrived at a general agreement over the need to make significant changes in the arrangements between the Environment Agency, local authorities and water companies for setting up a streamlined approach for sharing information and resourcing. The Kidlington and Area Flood Report, approved by the parish councils and sent to Government ministers, covers these aspects and more besides and has been given support by Cherwell District Council.

A copy of the parish flood report can be seen at Kidlington Branch Library and any additional information or comments are welcomed.

Carl Smith Clerk to Gosford and Water Eaton Parish Council Patricia Redpath Clerk to Kidlington Parish Council Kidlington