An exhibition designed to highlight the beauty of the city we live in has come together, thanks to the Lord Mayor of Oxford, Susanna Pressel. People in the City is a collection of works (most photographs) created by artists local to Oxford. The exhibition is on show at the little-known Gallery on the ground floor of the Town Hall, Oxford, until March 18.

Naturally Oxford photographer Roddy McColl has included one of his superb atmospheric shots. This time it is Meadow Run, which captures a pigtailed runner clutching a bottle of water as she runs through Christ Church Meadow. Mist rises from the grass, the setting sun glows vibrant against the blue of the darkening sky. The work of Perce Jerrom (pictured) is a superb illustration of the burgeoning talent in our city. By climbing to the top of Carfax Tower, this enterprising young artist spent hours taking photographs of people walking below. He then digitally placed them on canvas. The result is seen in his two works Crowd 1 and Crowd 2, the second of which gives us just the shapes of those he has captured with his camera.

Alison Berman has used papier-mache to create her amusing piece entitled Waiting. Her delightful little figures standing in line are doing just that — they are waiting for a bus.

Skate Park Folio 1 and Folio 2 are created by Amanda Richens who has very effectively amassed together a collection of photographs she took while observing youngsters using the Skate Park.

Constantine Gras has taken her photograph, entitled Punt, in black and white to highlight the man in a beanie hat removing water from his punt.

Dawn Benson appears to have used bronze to create his fun sculpture entitled Walking the Dog, which will amuse any dog owner who has also been pulled along the street by an enthusiastic canine hell bent on getting to the park.

Helen Peacocke