Plans to build 1,500 homes on fields between Wantage and Grove have been attacked by residents.

More than 150 official objections have been lodged by people living on the Charlton estate in response to the Vale of White Horse District Council’s Local Plan.

The council proposes building 1,500 homes — along with an eastern bypass — to the north-east of Wantage.

Residents say the development would destroy beautiful countryside, bring noise pollution and increase traffic.

The latest plan is part of the council's draft development framework, which sets out where 11,560 new homes could be built over the next 17 years. It also suggests an alternative plan — to build the 1,500 new homes in south-west Abingdon.

Liz MacDonald, chairman of the Charlton Residents’ Group, said: “The proposal is totally against the wishes of local people.

“It will blight the whole of Wantage and put an unacceptable strain on existing facilities which would not be able to cope with the influx.

“We recognise the Government has ordered more houses to be built in Oxfordshire, but Wantage and Grove are taking a totally unreasonable amount.”

Herb Newark, 72, of Bryan Way, said that there were not enough jobs or spaces at local schools .

He said: “Where are all those people going to work? We don’t want another 1,500 houses built in this town with no infrastructure or anywhere to work.”

Winifred Jones-Sheppard, 75, of Grove, added: “This will really change the view from where we live. It will ruin the natural wildlife.”

Mary de Vere, the council’s member for planning, said: “We will endeavour to ensure that wherever the new houses are built, the required infrastructure improvements in terms of roads and community facilities are provided to support the new development.

“All the comments that have been expressed during our public consultation will be looked at very carefully before we reach a view as to which site is most suitable for these new homes.

“It will not be an easy decision to make, but it will be based on the best possible arguments for the benefit of all the people of the Vale.”