OXFORD Mail readers have continued to demand ITV scraps its new ‘local’ news programme and reinstates Thames Valley Tonight – along with popular presenter Wesley Smith.

So many people have contacted the Oxford Mail, that we’re launching a petition to get them back.


I wish to show my support to the Oxford Mail campaign to bring back the old ITV Thames Valley news programme, which covered local news from Oxfordshire, and with it presenter Wesley Smith.

Full Name: Tel No: Email:
Why are you backing the campaign:
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ITV company merged three regional news bulletins into a single news programme, Meridian Tonight just over a month ago, generating hundreds of complaints on its website.

The new show, which is broadcast from Southampton, covers eight counties.

Oxfordshire news is reported alongside Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Hampshire, Dorset, Surrey, the Isle of Wight and parts of Sussex.

Viewers and Mail readers have complained there has been a huge drop in the number of Oxfordshire stories covered.

Anchorman Wesley, who appeared on local ITV news programmes for 20 years, was one of the casualties of the reorganisation.

Now the Oxford Mail has launched a campaign to bring back the old Thames Valley format – and Mr Smith. Readers can fill out the form on this page or sign it online at oxfordmail.co.uk Anne Jones, from Carterton said: “I would like to say how unhappy I am with the new Meridian Tonight Local News.

“This is no good to us in the Oxfordshire area at all.

“Having watched Central News for many years, I will not be watching Meridian News, but will follow the BBC local news.

“Also to say that I miss Wesley and his team, it is just not the same with the new set up.”

Bridget Hawtin added: “When you get to your tender years in life, like my husband and myself, and are unable to get out much, people like us regard people like Wesley as our family.

“Please bring our friends back, we love our local news and miss it. But most of all we miss Wesley and team.”

Pat Blackford said: “Who in the world made the decision to scrap Thames Valley Tonight?

“My husband and I have thoroughly enjoyed this news programme for years.

“Wesley, we are sorry that you and your team were taken off TV.”

Mr Smith said he appreciated the support, and added: “We’re now almost five weeks into the new Meridian service and I am sorry our former Thames Valley viewers feel they’re no longer getting adequate coverage.

“Having always flown the flag for Oxfordshire on our TV screens, I’ll be watching the Oxford Mail campaign with interest.”

Last night an ITV spokesman said Oxfordshire news was regularly covered in the 15-minute ‘opt out’ which divides the Meridian region into east and west at the beginning of each programme.

He added: “The changes were approved by Ofcom and the result of an extensive consultation.”

He refused to give details of how many official complaints had been received.

Last night the number of comments on Meridian’s own website had reached 529 – the majority of them negative.
