I see that Gordon Brown’s man in Oxford – serial loyalist Andrew Smith MP – seems to be trying to grow a backbone, given his carefully publicised vote against the Government’s decision to build a third runway at Heathrow.

If Mr Smith has belatedly decided to stand up to some of his Government’s worst decisions, he might usefully consider voting to oppose the billions-of-pounds mess that will be ID cards, or to fight to protect what post offices we have left. Go on, Andrew – you can do it again.

But sadly for him – and happily for Oxford – that might not be enough to save a man who was gung-ho about invading Iraq, Blairite on selling the NHS down the river, and all in favour of abolishing the 10p income tax band.

A few well-chosen ‘rebellions’ won’t change the facts: Andrew Smith is a Government loyalist through and through.


Prosepctive Parliamentary Candidate

Oxford East Liberal Democrats