Sixty people marched in protest against job cuts and the recession in Oxford today.

Workers and union representatives waving banners and placards marched from Cowley to the centre of the city, reaching Bonn Square at 1.30pm.

They chanted: "Our jobs are not for sale, throw the bankers into jail" and "Stop the jobs massacre, put people first".

Teachers, nurses and former BMW workers all took part.

It was organised after 850 agency workers at BMW's Mini plant at Cowley were axed last month.

The agency staff were given one week's notice and received no redundancy pay. Some had been at the plant for seven years.

Ex-BMW worker Doug Foreshew, 50, from Witney, addressed the 60 or so protesters in Bonn Sqaure.

He said agency workers laid off by the company had been treated appallingly.

He said: "I want to try and get the law changed to give agency workers more rights."