WIFE-BEATING former vicar Christopher Walker has attacked his 87-year-old mother in a rant over the injustices in his life.

Walker, previously convicted of perjury and assaulting his wife Rachel, turned on his frightened mum Daphne at her home in Reading in February.

The 57-year-old former vicar of St Mary’s Church in Barton, Oxford, and South Moreton near Didcot, appeared before magistrates and admitted assaulting Mrs Walker.

Andrew Isaacs, prosecuting, said: “He lived with the aggrieved and had done since 2008.

“On the day of the assault the aggrieved arrived home and walked into the house. The defendant was said to be in a good mood. He was in the kitchen at the time.

“He then turned on her.”

In a statement read to the court, Mrs Walker said: “Christopher turned on me and took hold of me.

“He held me against the sink and went into a verbal rant, not against me but about the injustices he believes have happened to him. He held me up against the sink as he went on. I am only a frail old lady and his hands were hurting me, pulling on my bones. It was extremely frightening.”

Mrs Walker said she believed this “rant” took place for 30 minutes. It ended when she called 999.

At Wednesday’s hearing Katherine McMaster, defending, said Walker had suffered a troubled past. He was forced out of his South Oxfordshire parish following his first court appearance for perjury when he lied to a jury over the disposal of mixed ashes, and is twice married.

She said Walker had been diagnosed with leukaemia in 2006 and began to drink heavily – up to two to three bottles of wine a day. His relationship with his wife became extremely difficult and his alcoholism increased.

Magistrates adjourned the case until April 1 for pre-sentence reports and released him on bail. He was ordered not to contact his mother.

Diocese of Oxford spokes-man Sarah Meyrick said it was “saddened to hear of this distressing incident”.

She said: “We should clarify that the Revd Christopher Walker has not been involved in ministry in the Church of England for some time and is barred from holding office.”

Walker first resigned from his post at South Moreton in 2005 after being sentenced to 180 hours’ community service after admitting lying to the jury that he was not present when mixed ashes were disposed of. He was then moved to a lower position as assistant parish priest at St Michael’s in Abingdon.

Last year he was jailed for 26 weeks after admitting two assault charges against his wife Rachel.

He had “lost it” and punched her to the floor before kicking her in the face.

Three weeks later he attacked her again.

Walker — who retired from the church in 2007 on health grounds — was also convicted of drink driving in 2003.
