RESIDENTS are fed up with living in an “unfinished” housing estate more than two years after the last homes were built.

People living in Penlon Place and Vintner Place, Abingdon, said the entrance to the estate still looked like a building site, as developers Barratt Thames Valley had not yet finished the right-turn from Radley Road.

Piles of sand, cones and other building materials are at the front of the development. The last town houses and flats were finished in 2006.

Ben Aspinall, 28, of Penlon Place, said: “For the past couple of years I have had the view of a Portaloo to a Portakabin to a skip to a general builders’ yard. The worst thing is if anyone is trying to sell their house.”

Ian Miles, 50, who has lived on the estate since July 2006, said: “The main entrance to the development is a disgrace. It’s appalling that this should be going on for this amount of time.”

Neighbour Alex Sim, 50, who moved to Penlon Place nearly three years ago with his wife Cinzia and three children, said: “We have been promised the earth for the past couple of years and it looks like a bomb site at the entrance.

“Some of us residents are prepared to put our hands in our pockets and pay for a lawyer.”

Barratt said the development was built and sold by a sister company which had since ceased trading. It now falls under Barratt’s responsibility.

Work on site was due to start at the beginning of February, but this was delayed due to the completion of a legal agreement with Oxfordshire County Council.

Jonathan Miller, technical director at Barratt, said: “This agreement is presently being finalised and when it is complete we will commence works without delay — we hope this will be in March.

“The materials to commence these works, once the agreements are completed, are currently stored safely and securely behind temporary fencing.”

However, Barry West, of the county council’s highways team, claimed that the legal agreement, for a right-turn lane into the development from Radley Road, had been sent to the developer, but had not yet been signed.

He added: “Once the agreement is signed there is a requirement that the works are completed by June 30, 2009 or 12 weeks after commencing.”