AN ART exhibition celebrating people, places and faces of Oxford has opened its doors.

The Town Hall exhibition, People in the City, marks Susanna Pressel’s year as the city’s Lord Mayor.

Paintings, sculptures, drawings and even a video installation have been used by the 21 artists whose work was chosen to be part of the exhibition.

Among the works is a video of the controversial Cornmarket Street bagpiper Heath Richardson, which is looped to play continuously.

Sculptress Alison Berman, 62, from East Oxford, entered her work Waiting into the exhibition.

She said: “I get the number 15 bus from outside the Town Hall, and it sort of inspired me for this work.

“The 15 models aren’t really based on anyone in particular, but I particularly enjoyed sculpting the pregnant woman, and the two friends who are in quite animated conversation.

“I chose the name ‘Waiting’ for obvious reasons, but in a way I wish I hadn’t as I never really have to wait too long for the bus.”

Artist and teacher Gerard Hanson, 38, from Bartlemas Road, entered a picture of an old Jamaican man named Tuggy. He said: “The painting represents the fact that many people in Oxford are working here and sending money back to friends or relatives in other countries.

“Tuggy, who has now passed away, was a farmer in Jamaica and a close family friend whom I supported.

“I wanted to show that without money coming in from other countries, and places like Oxford, some people in places like Jamaica would sink.”

The 32 exhibits were selected by a panel including the Lord Mayor and Town Hall Gallery co-ordinator Owain Pearce.

Ms Pressel said: “I wanted to organise this to celebrate our beautiful city.

“I hope that many people will come to see this exhibition which shows off the many sides of this very special city.”

The free exhibition will be run at the Town Hall, St Aldate’s until Wednesday, March 18.