POLICE have linked four thefts at cash machines.

At about 10am yesterday, a man tried to withdraw money from Lloyds TSB in Cornmarket Street, Oxford.

Two men told him the cashpoint was not working and that he should report it. They took his card and stole £300.

The men were wearing dark suits, had tanned skin and foreign accents.

About 40 minutes later at the same cashpoint a woman was withdrawing money when a man with short hair took her card and £300 in cash.

He was with a second man. Both are described as black, about 5ft 7in tall and had short dark hair.

At 11.36am on the same day a man snatched a bank card from a man as he went to withdraw cash from HSBC in London Road, Headington, Oxford.

The man was described as black, about 6ft tall and was wearing white trousers and a white top.

Police are linking the incidents with a theft at the Cornmarket Lloyds TSB ATM on February 20.

Anyone with information should call 08458 505505 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.