DIGGERS have rolled in to a West Oxford park to start the £2.5m programme of investment in the city’s run-down play areas.

Machines started breaking the earth at the Botley Road Recreation Ground this week as part of the city council’s two-year scheme to revamp 52 rusting play areas across Oxford.

The £65,000 renovation is the first under the scheme and will involve re-siting under-used facilities from a play area in Helen Road, West Oxford, to a new location next to the West Oxford Community Centre.

City parks manager Ian Sheppard said: “We’ve moved the park to increase its usage by local children.

“Bringing it closer to existing facilities means the park will be more accessible for the children as well as more visible and safer.

“The old equipment was well past its sell-by date and didn’t conform to new British safety standards.

“The main thing we’re trying to achieve is a modern play area taking on board the needs of children and we hope they will get a lot of years’ play from this equipment.”

The new play area is set to be completed within seven weeks and will feature two climbing frames, two slides, two sets of four swings, a metre-wide basket swing, and two roundabouts.

Some of the facilities will also be specially adapted for use by disabled children to make the play park more inclusive.

Lord Mayor and Jericho and Osney city councillor Susanna Pressel said: “I’m particularly pleased that Botley Park is one of the first places to benefit from this big city council programme.

“The existing equipment is very old and shabby and in a faraway corner of the park. I am sure children and their parents will love the new play ground.”

Anne-Marie Baverstock, 34, a mother-of-two from Fogwell Road, Botley, said: “It’s great news.

“Moving the play area next to the community centre means my children will be able to use it after their music groups.

“If it’s open in seven weeks it will be perfect for the spring weather.”

The second play area to be revamped will be in Bernwood Road, Barton, with work set to begin on March 16 and finish in mid-April.
