A resident may have scared off two muggers holding up a man in Oxford yesterday.

The victim and a friend were walking along Rickyard Close in the city centre at 2.15am when two men stopped them and demanded they hand over their mobile telephones and money.

They hit the victim but then ran off, and police believe it may have been because a resident shouted out of the window of a nearby house.

Det Sgt Steve Raffield said: “It must have scared the robbers, as they ran away.

“I would like to speak to this person and anyone else who might have information to help with my inquiries and urge them to contact me.”

The robbers were both white and aged about 18. One was wearing a white hooded top with a picture of a sad face on it. The other was wearing a black hooded top and had a small beard.

Anyone with information can call DS Raffield at Oxford police on 08458 505505 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.