There are plenty of people who send up classical ballet, but no company like the all male “Trocks”. Every member of this fabulous group of 14 men has been a member of a prestigious dance company, so they can actually do all the steps, dance on pointe as ballerinas, and act. They have stage names like Ida Nevasayneva and Marina Plezegetovstageskaya – which reminds me I once saw a real Russian ballerina called Katerina Legova!

We start with Act II of Swan Lake, with the ‘girls’ in white tutus, stumbling here, falling there, but in between giving a straight version of the ballet, with a hilarious power struggle between a huge Odette, a small prince who, confusingly, looks like a pretty girl got up as a man, and a miles-over-the-top von Rothbart.

Anton Dolin’s reconstruction of Perrot’s Pas de Quatre, which united the four great ballerinas of the 19th century, is a hoot in the hands of the Trocks, full of bitchy upstaging between four ballerinas got up in pink like balls of candyfloss, and highlighting the difference in size between the performers.

My favourite piece is a version of Pavlova’s Dying Swan. Here the swan really is in a bad way – clouds of her feathers fly off as she pirouettes; then, first an arm, and then a leg became moribund, until she expires in the iconic pose.

You can catch the Trocks at the Wycombe Swan next Friday (13) and Saturday.