Community groups are looking forward to using new facilities at Witney Youth Centre once its £750,000 refurbishment is complete next March.

One group that is particularly keen to get back in the Witan Way centre is the Listen group for young people with a range of disabilities.

At the moment, the group is having to use other facilities at Madley Park.

Manager Jill Bull said: “The most important thing is that children with disabilities want to be where everyone else is.

“The Witney Youth Centre is the ‘in’ place.

“It is close to the town centre which is a key factor in helping individuals maintain their independence.”

Mrs Bull, whose 25-year-old daughter Tracy uses the centre, added: “The Listen group is looking forward to seeing the centre’s improvements.”

Built during the 1960s, the needs and interests of youngsters have changed considerably over time, but the building has not.

The improvements agreed by Oxfordshire County Council will mean the centre can be used more flexibly, particularly during the day.

It will offer a chill out/coffee bar area with IT access, band practice rooms, arts spaces, a performance area and an improved multi-sports hard court.

Support services for young people, including counselling, mentoring, and advice from youth workers, will be brought under one roof, with space for the council’s “On Course” programmes designed to support 11- to 14-year-olds at risk of exclusion from their mainstream school.