A MOBILE classroom helped more than 200 Oxford children to learn about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and the dangers of drug abuse.

The Life Education Centres bus visited Larkrise Primary School, in Boundary Brook Road, East Oxford, for a four-day stay, funded by a grant from the Co-operative Community Fund, which gave £500 towards the scheme, which works with children aged between six and 11.

Life Education Centres educator Julie Grew said: “We spent four days at the school and had a great response. The children enjoyed learning in our classroom, using audio-visual materials and interactive models.

“Our education programmes are designed specifically for each different age group. We know children are more likely to remember and take on board information when their experience takes place in an environment that is outside their usual classroom.”

Sarah Buy, the Co-op’s community co-ordinator, said: “We’re happy to support the initiative, because it helps get the healthy lifestyle message across at a young age.”