The Oxford Mail expressed concern that the local, and perhaps national, Green Party might be split over the question of nuclear power (February 24).

On the contrary, I think a healthy debate on the subject is very timely.

It appears that James Lovelock of Gaia fame, was upset that a windfarm spoiled the view of his private retreat in Cornwall, which caused him to change to opposition of such renewable forms of energy and to favour nuclear power.

Since his change of mind, many of his acolytes also appear to be wavering on the subject of nuclear power .

The Government is certainly trying to push nuclear power as the environmentally-friendly option. However a lot of carbon dioxide is produced in the mining and carriage of materials for nuclear power.

It is certainly not carbon neutral, because of the means of production. But what is most worrying is the fact that they still haven’t discovered ways of securely storing the many tonnes of nuclear waste which have already been produced.

Can we wisely produce more?

In the new plans for greater efficiency, some spent fuel will be left at nuclear sites indefinitely if encapsulation and disposal proves impossible.

It is revealing that Mark Lynas feels that it is unlikely that new nuclear sites will be built in Oxfordshire.

Some people thought the proposed reservoir for the plain to the west of Didcot was part of an overall plan for accessible cooling water for a nuclear plant at Didcot.

It is true that the traditional coastline sites may no longer be secure because of imminent sea level changes, so they might well start looking at inland sites.

However, the point is, unless we are happy to have nuclear power stations in our area, or waste stockpiled near us, we really shouldn’t wish it on anyone else.

Of course we must have a full and open debate. Thank goodness the Green Party is one where we don’t just accept the discipline of blind obedience.

However, coming out about nuclear power is not like coming out to parents as being gay, as Mark Lynas declares.

Being a gay is not harmful or dangerous. Nuclear power is.

NUALA YOUNG Tree Lane Oxford