THERE is a fine between banter and harrasment, as Alan Jackson-Smyth will testify.

He has fallen foul of bank bosses at Halifax, in Didcot, for making a quick-witted remark at a female cashier.

He spotted a sticker saying ‘£200’ on the breast of the cashier’s shirt and proceeded to ask her “how much for the pair?”

The woman in question didn’t see the funny side, and bank staff have now cancelled the 56-year-old chef’s account, saying his custom is not welcome.

Sadly for some, we live in an increasingly politically-correct world and banter of this nature is not often taken in the manner in which it is intended.

To his credit, father-of-two Mr Jackson-Smyth walked into the branch the day after the incident and apologised to the cashier for any upset caused.

But that did not help him save his account. And he now banks with Lloyds TSB. What a mad world we live in.