Sir – There are so many unsatisfactory aspects about the attitudes of Oxfordshire county councillors to the need for health assessment risks associated with the incinerator proposals, as pointed out by Dr Pauline Amos-Williams (Letters, February 19). It seems to me that the only thing they are concerned about is getting this planning proposal through as quickly as possible and with the no concern for having a thorough review of the health implications, of which there are many.

Air, ground and even Thames river water are amongst the pollution concerns, added to these are noise, visual intrusiveness and heavy lorry concerns for delivering to the site something approaching 1,000 tons per day! Come on you Oxfordshire councillors, wake up to the intense public feeling against the incinerator, and stop making this a party political issue.

This should be approached on a non-party basis, let individual councillors vote according to their consciences and from what they have learned from the health information already available.

A topic like this has nothing to do with politics, the overriding concerns should be for the sake of Oxfordshire’s population, many of whom will be seriously affected over a wide range around the proposed incinerator site, certainly at least 12 miles, which means that Oxford City, Abingdon, Didcot, Wallingford, Dorchester plus all the villages in this area (Appleford, Sutton Courtenay, Long and Little Wittenham, Drayton, Steventon, Milton etc.) will be within this area.

Brian Burrows, Sutton Courtenay