Age Concern Oxfordshire has more than 40 years of experience in promoting the well-being of older people and their carers.

Its mission is to make later life a fulfilling and enjoyable experience, and every year thousands of people across the county take advantage of its services.

A new initiative is the Age Concern Business Directory. This service enables older people to access a list of businesses that have been vetted and have agreed to abide by a code of conduct.

Primarily available online, the service will also be used by the Age Concern Helpline to provide people with details of trusted businesses.

The Information and Advice Helpline answers more than 4,500 inquiries a year on a vast range of subjects.

These include such things as staying independent at home, financial entitlements, housing, legal issues, carers’ support, moving home, social opportunities, and much more.

The Helpline can be contacted on:

  • 01235 849400 (Abingdon) 10am - 4pm Monday to Friday
  • 01295 278040 (Cherwell) 10am - 2pm Monday to Friday.

Age Concern Oxfordshire works with older people and Local Link volunteers across the county to develop activities and opportunities to stay healthy in mind and body.

Another key activity is the organisation of day centres and lunch clubs in venues across the county where older people can meet friends and enjoy a nourishing meal. Working closely with the local authority and mental health teams, the charity provides flexible care, day care centres and memory clinics to promote independence and enhance quality of life for those with mental health needs.

Other services include Sole Mates, a foot care service provided by trained volunteers, and Phone Link, a free service providing a regular friendly telephone call to housebound older people.

They have shops across Oxfordshire and are always grateful for good quality donations for resale. Age Concern also provides a range of insurance products and services designed with the needs of the over 50s in mind.

The charity organises regular panels and forums, giving older people the opportunity to work together to inform and influence policy makers and service providers.

The services offered by Age Concern Oxfordshire are provided by over 400 volunteers working alongside staff.

Mary Daniel, Chief Executive of Age Concern Oxfordshire, said: “We could not exist without the help and support of our many dedicated volunteers and we are always looking for caring individuals to join our team.

“There are various volunteer opportunities throughout the county in our offices, day centres, lunch clubs and shops for those with a few hours to spare each week.”

You can find further information on all the services and volunteering opportunities by telephoning 01235 849400 (Abingdon) or 01295 278040 (Banbury) or by visiting their new website:

  • If you wish to contribute to this column, email Oxfordshire Community and Voluntary Action at